• Safety Payment


    Alipay and WeChat Pay: Efficient and mobile payment innovations from China

    In China, mobile payment has already arrived in everyday life – from supermarkets and restaurants to gas stations, take-aways and small street stalls – the smartphone has largely replaced the wallet.

    Customers benefit particularly when shopping in online shops abroad: They pay via their mobile Alipay / WeChatPay account in their local currency (CNY) and see the current exchange rate directly when making the payment. This saves your time to change money and you always have an overview of your costs. Since several date of payment can be stored, the risk of incorrect payments or an exhausted limit is significantly minimized.

    Mobile payment app from the Chinese internet giant Alibaba with 700 million active users
    Source: Alibaba; 2018
    Payment system of the most popular Chinese social media platform WeChat with 1.08 billion monthly active users (approx. 80% of the total population of China)
    Source: Tencent; 2018



    The payment process for local stores and companies

    Enter the Euro amount directly in the POS terminal or mobile app and scan the customer’s QR code. Or the customer scans your static QR code and enters the appropriate Euro amount by himself/herself.


    The online payment process for e-commerce

    1、Payment link

    If your customer is not on site but buys from you online or by phone, you can set up an invoice with the invoice amount and payment link in the web portal and send it to your customer by email or messenger.

    2、Payment integration in your online shop

    If you have an online shop, online payment can also be integrated into your online shop with the help of a payment API. In both cases, the customer can pay you conveniently and easily online with Alipay.

    The Exchange Rate

    Our exchange rates are based on the immediate exchange rate of Alipay (depending on the customer’s Alipay account, etc.) and WeChat. The exchange rate is set by Alipay and WeChat Pay.

    Maximum Amount

    Online Alipay: No Limit
    Wechat Pay: 300000RMB / year


    Accounting clearing can be carried out for over 100 euros with a processing period of T + 3, ie 3 to 4 working days after accounting clearing (public holidays counted separately). At the beginning of each month, you will receive the invoice details for the previous month by post. If you want to check the status of your company’s transactions, you can view and download your receipt details at any time through your company’s exclusive backend portal.

    Payment Fee

    There are no running costs. The payment fee is only calculated if sales are generated. In the event of unconventional use Alipay’s risk control can be triggered. In this case a processing fee of EUR 80 will be charged.


    Please fill out the following contact form. We will contact you as soon as possible.

    Your company name
    Your name
    Your phone